Saringan today ~~
and i was like ~~~~
i never have that feelings before ~~~
that feelings ~~
no nervousity in my soul anymore ~~
as if i dun even bother bout it ~~
it's because of her ~~
today ~~~
before band practice ~~
saw she lying down on the floor ~
with white and scary face ~~
i thought she was fainted ~~
horrified me ~~
i couldn't go closer to her ~~
obviously ..... i am scared of her ~~
immediately , i asked xx for her helps .....
dunno what should i do except finding xx ~~
but .................... woooooooOOOOOOO~~~
after xx questioned her ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
she's just sleeping ~~~~ NOTHING ELSE ~~
what ???!!! SLEEPING on the floor ???!!!!!
but what bout her white scary face ??!!!
as if she was fainted ~~~
ok ..... back to band ~~
i looked into her face before i turned my
BUT ~ i just couldn't stop worrying bout her ..........
haizzzZZZZ ~~~ I TOLD MYSELF ~~
'saringan ~~ TODAY ~~ SARINGAN ~~'
i should worry about band instead of her ~~
ok .... try to focus again ~~~
told myself ~~~~~~~~~~~
FOCUS ~~~~
but ..... it wouldn't help me much ~~
keep thinking nonsense again ~~
OH GOSH ~~ i was panicked ~~
i just kept myself walking to calm myself down ~~
tried to think other things ~~~
it's hard ~~ too hard for me ~~
argh ~~~ why it just happened in this time ???!!!!!!
back to the auditorium ~~
keep blowing the song `~~~~
tried to focus hard and harder ~~
finally , i get myself calm down ~~
it took me lots of effort to do that ~~
hopes i didn't make lots of mistakes during the saringan ~~
and ~ ~~ today ~~~~ \
i din mean it ~~~~~
sry for my rudeness ~~~~~~
maybe u guys are right ~~
it doesn't worth at all ~~~~
i just too care bout her ~~~~~
but pls ~~ dun mad at her ~~~~~~
it's my faults always ~~
not her ~~~~~~~~~
i am too tired ~~~~~~~~
OVER-TIRED ~~~~~~~
After fighting for 2 years ~~~
hmm ............................................
like i am old enough to do anything tough ~
haha ~~~
my life is miserable ~~~~~
hmm ......
hopes i will have a sweet dream tonight ~~
not the scary things again ~~~~
make me desperate ~~~
hmm .............
that's all for today though ~~~
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 9:45:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
很 想 问 自 己 到 底 醒 了 没 有 ~~ ?????!!!!!
all the things had changed already ~~
so must change the thoughts ~~
以 前 已 经 不 是 现 在 了 ~~
以 往 的 事 都 与 现 在 没 关 系 ~~
所 以 ~~ 放 下 吧 。。。
做 一 个 普 普 通 通 的 队 员 就 好 了 ~~
希 望 自 己 能 接 收 事 实 ~~
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 5:56:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tagged By Shuen Yee ~~ =]
The Rules are :
Copy to your own note, erase my answer, and enter yours.Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.They have to be real, nothing made up !If the person before you had the same first initial,you must use different answers.You cannot use any word twice &you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1.What is your name: Ee Teng
2.A four letter word: Echo
3.A boy's name: Edward !!!!!!!!!! wahahah ~~
4.A girl's name: Emma
5.An occupation: Ecologist
6.A color: Evergreen
7.Something that can wear: Earrings
9.Something found in the bathroom: Ear wax ??!! XD
10.A place: Europe
11.A reason for being late: Earthquake in my house just now ~ sry !!!
12.Something you shout: Enjoy the music !!!!!!!
13.A movie title: Elephant Walk
14.Something you drink: Espresso coffee
15.A musical group: Everly Brothers
16.An animal: Eskimo dog
17.A street name: Elm
18.A type of car: Eldorado
19.A song title: Enchanted ~
20.A verb: Emote
The person I tagged,
Sheh Li
Xia Wei
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 11:32:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
TO: all the band members
很 久 没 有 在 乐 队 笑 得 那 么 开 心 了 ~~~
真 的 很 谢 谢 你 们 ~~~ ~~
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 6:41:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
such a LOVELY day ~~ XD
today ~~ hehe ..... dunno what is actually happening ..........
but i could feel THE HAPPINESS inside my soul ~~...
heheh ~~ .... SERIOUSLY ...... i did enjoy myself much today ....
hmm........ band practice as usual ....heheh .......
hmm .......i really do try myself hard to do better .... hmm ......
but hmm ... doesn't feel like i am improving lo ~~ hmm .....
still cant get the right feelings ~~ hmm ......
i want that feelings back to me !!!!!!!!! hmm.........
hahaa ... when the time ...... hmm ... that time .... that only time !!!!
it's so like happy ... excited ???!!! or confident??!!
hahah ~~~~ i am so happy cause we improve today ...... hmm ...
when XX is talking ...... i just feels like i back to f1 .....\
when i was a small little girl ~~ hahaha ...
honestly , i like the way she leading the band ... hehe
the band .... hmmm ..... the band with SPIRIT ~~
HEHE ....she always builds the confident for band .... HHAHA...
hmm ... someone cried today /....................................
hmm .................................
ok ......... traffic thingy now ~~~~
haha ~~ today marching ~~~
i really ENJOYED MYSELF SOOOOOOOoooooo freaking much !!!
hahahahha ~~ crazy Xin yUAn ......
keep laughing ~~ haha .......... made me crazy too .. haha
thx hui shan ..... for helping us ... hehe
hahah ... u know ???!!!
hhhaah ............ i shouted wrong command ~~
ahhaha ~~ it's so damn sia sui lo ~~
shouted so damn loud but it's wrong lo ~~ haha
everybody stopped their feet and laugh at me~~~ hahaah
cause "UP" then i shouted it " UMP" haha ...
CAUSE that time i wanna laugh d ..haha .........
couldn't control myself lo ~~ hahaa .........
after xx drank my water in my Tupperware .......
she didn't close the cover properly lo !!!!!!!!
then .......... let the floor enjoyed my cold drink lo ....
haha ... i took the Tupperware up then threw to the right side to make some water out to wash that dirty part ......hmm ........ cause (i lost the seal of my Tupperware when i got up to my bus today ..... as a results ... i held the bottle TIGHT and STRAIGHT all day LONG lo .. argh GERAM and .. i think there are hundred of dusty little things had fallen into my bottle lo... then i drank them all lo .... haha ) ok continue ..... then heo ~~ *SPLASHsssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS* all the water JUMPED OUT INTO THE floor lo ~~ let the floor enjoyed the cold drink while we suffer from DRY THROAT lo ......... ahahaa .... HUO GAI LO ~~
HAHHAHA ~~~~~ we didn't stop laughing whole day long lo ~~ haha
I LOVE U ALL GUYS !!!!!!!!!!!!
MY LOVELY FRIENDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u all brought the happiness to me ......
without u all ..... dunno what should i be lo ......
hhehehehe !!!!!!! LOVE TRAFFIC SO MUCH ~~~~
TRAFFIC changed my life in PCGHS ~~
i should join it when i am f1 lo ~~~~~ hehehe
hmm ........... after ........... .............. today .......
i feel like .......... haizzZZZZZZZ zzzzzz,..........
i hope she doesn't exist in the world .................
i hope i can stop thinking bout her .........
as ~!@#$%^&*&!@#$%^&*(
i should HATE her ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
argh !!!!!!! yes !!!!!!!!! hate her ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
everyday .... try to build the hateness towards her !!
hng .............................................................
i shouldn't stand so still while walking backward ........
it's so painful when i am walking the formation .......
but REN !!!!!!! MUST REN !!!!!!!!!!
YES !!!!!!!!!! the sukan is coming soon !!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 7:59:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
exam past d ~~ hehehe ~~
quite ok for me ~~
heheeh ~~
except the maths ~~
argh ~~
hate it alot always !!!!!!
hng ~~~ nvm ~~ it's just A TEST ~~
i dun even bother it anyway ~~ hehe ~~
hmm ............
now .... in form 3 ~~~~
all the sad things really past away d ~~ hehe
but heo ........ suddenly feels like my life is so ______ hmm u know what that mean ??
it's so damn boring ~
no challenge for me this year ~~~
ping ping dan dan de ~~~~~ haizzzZZZ ~~
but at least i am happier than last year ~ hehe ~ =]
i love K3C so much ~~
all my good friends are there ~
talk to me ~~
laugh with me ~~
haha ~~~
i am OUT of stress ~~ hehe !!!!!!
but.......... hmm .......................
just as XX said to me ~~
maybe **** is a kind of energy too ..........
hmm.......... i have that energy when i am f1 and f2 .....
but now .......... i DUN WANT IT d ~~
i wanna *throw it* AWAY from me !!!!!!!!!
heheh ~~~ cause it had caused many problem ......
the stupid "energy'' LO ~~ hahah .........
hmm .... do u all get what i mean ... hehe
i dun think so ........... hahaha ..........
me understand tiok can liao lah ~~ hahahahaah .........
hmmm ........... DAYS BY DAYS ~~~~ ''changed the topic''
the disappointment towards someone is growing hard and harder ............
hmm ...... not disappointment ...........
it's LIKE a KIND of FEELINGS that go through my heart ~~~~
had made me so SUFFER ~~~~~
I hope this person will disappear from my MIND 4eva and ever ~~
argh ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"change topic "seriously .............. my MOOD change very easily ~~
argh ~ CANT LET myself like that d ~~
MUST CHANGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST CHANGE !!!!!!!!!!!!
heheh ~~ i did made alot of effort to change my EBMD ~~
hahahahh ~~~ i gone really crazy sometime ~
haha ~~ hmm .........................................
i dun wanna skip the band d .............
it's because i really have to attend to the TRAFFIC ~~
it's very important for me now ................
especially NOW ~~ hhheheheh ~~
i am going to get the RED TIE soon ~~
haha ~~ so ... really really sorry ya ~~
hmmm ............... promised someone that i will try to find myself back ~
heheh ~~ find myself BACK ~~
i really do need to find myself back ~
hehehe ~~ just now very moody d .............
but i BLAH all d ~~~~~~~ hhhaaah ~~
so now ........... remained normal d ~~ haha
see ?????!! MY MOOD CHANGED SO EASILY ~~~~~
it's a disease .......... haha ...... i really cant get help with this ..........
except myself ~~ i need to help myself ~~ hehe
so ~~ that's all for today ~~
haha ~~ blah very much liao ~~ haha ~~ bye ~~ and GOODNIGHT !!!!!!!!!! heheh
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 10:29:00 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
我 的 动 力 ~~~~
不 见 了 ~~~
我 的 自 信 ~~
更 加 地 消 失 了 ~~~
在 乐 队 。。。。。。。。
就 好 像 一 个 废 物 。。。。。。~~~~~~~
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 11:20:00 PM 5 comments
Ong took What does your birthday say about you? quiz and the result is February Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislike unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
the results is so damn ACCURATE !!!!!!
i just cant believe it !!!
like it's reading my mind ~~
haha ~~
try this ~~~
and u will find it very interesting ~~
but heo ~~
i am not SEXY ~~
haha ~~
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 7:40:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
最 近 心 情 不 好 ~~
对 朋 友 不 好 。。。
对 妹 发 脾 气 ~~~
好 想 找 个 地 方 把 自 己 给 琐 起 来 。。。
我 不 甘 心 。。。
我 不 断 地 追 求 着 答 案 。。。
而 我 现 在 也 找 到 了 答 案 。。。
答 案 。。。 我 终 于 找 到 了 。。。
虽 然 知 道 了 很 痛 。。
可 是 我 还 是 得 忍 着 痛 。。。
突 然 觉 得 这 世 上 没 有 人 能 了 解 我 的 思 想 。。。
所 以。。 朋 友 问 我 发 生 了 什 么 事 。。。
我 都 说 没 事 。。。
可 能 这 样 我 会 好 过 一 点 吧 。。。
心 情 不 好 。。。
却 每 一 天 都 在 听 着 朋 友 所 诉 出 来 的 心 事 。。。
想 办 发 地 为 她 们 解 决 。。。
很 好 笑 吧 。。。 自 己 顾 不 来 却 要 管 着 别 人 。。。
昨 天 。。。 跟 表 姐 在 谈 着 心 事 。。。
差 点 在PUB 里 哭 了 出 来 。。。
不 过 却 冷 静 了 不 少 。。。
世 界 上 的 人 都 很 假 。。。
明 明 不 是 她 们 心 里 的 话 却 说 了 出 来 。。。
我 。。。。
真 的 很 想 大 哭 一 场 。。。
可 在 家 爸 在 盯 着 我 。。。
在 学 校 。。。。。 我 不 想 。。
最 近 爸 不 知 吃 错 了 什 么 药 。。。
动 不 动 就 向 我 发 脾 气 。。。
我 。。 做 女 儿 的 当 然 得 忍 啦 。。。
在 学 校 。。。
忍 受 不 到' 那 些 人 '对 我 的 眼 光 。。。
每 一 天 都 很 害 怕 会 遇 见 她 或 她 的 朋 友 。。。
我 真 的 很 想 永 远 在 她 的 面 前 消 失 。。。
想 必 她 也 更 不 想 见 到 我 吧 。。。
一 看 到 她 就 会 想 要 怎 样 逃 。。。
而 她 也 是 吧 。。。
我 。。。。
真 的 好 想 离 开 这 里 。。。。
去 到 一 个 很 遥 远 的 地 方 ,,,
现 在 真 的 很 想 哭 。。。
可 爸 妈 在 啊 。。。
她 并 不 是 我 想 象 中 的 完 美 。。。
她 其 实 一 点 也 不 单 纯 ,。。。
虽 然 心 很 痛 ,。。。。
但 是 告 示 自 己 的 得 忍 !!!
时 间 会 帮 助 我 的 !!!!!
i believe i can !!!!!!
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 3:58:00 PM 5 comments
todaY I AM not gonna go to THE band PRacTIce ~~~
my DAD wrote TIDAK BENAR on THE SURAT keBENAran ~~~~
haizzZZZZZ ~~
i am so damn boRING at THE hOME ~~~~
yesterday ~~
went to the PIZZA HUT with my family again ~~
ahaaahaaaaaaaaaa ~~~~~\
hmm .......MY LEG ~
become better ler ~~~ THX to my mom ...... XD
hahaah ~~~ hmm ........ but still cant walk properly lo ~~~
i hope I HOPE ~~~
the things run away from my MIND ~~
AND I will BE BETTER ~~ =]
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 8:43:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
BLAH-ING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god ~~
nowadays ~~ i am so PRESSURE ~~
the things doesn't stop ~~
i am so EXHAUSTED and TIRED ~~
i search the web everyday ...........
draw , cut , paste , ........................................
and .......... haizzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ ~~~~`
the tenor had made me gone crazy ~~~
i have no energy to SUPPORT it ~~
it'S so heavy compare to CLARINET ~~
day after day .................
i felt so helpless ~~~~~~
and i am really sick of it ~~~
i hope i can run away from BING HUA ........
it's made me feel like so damn !@#$%^&*()_ argh Argh ARGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's her ????!!!! her thought ????!!!!
argh ~~~......................... ......................... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$%^&*()__+_)(*&^%$#
seriously ............ i am going to be crazy soon ~~~~
she is not as special as i think ~~~ huh ~~~
after reading the msg ~~~ hmm ................
and ~~~~~~ i am so !@#$%^&*() when i saw her friends ~~
they always give me uncomfortable feelings ~~~
why nowadays became so many GOSSIP GOSSIP THINGS ???!!!!
!@#$%^&*( HERE ~~ @#$%^&*(((*&^%$#@! THERE ~~
argh ~~~~ argh ~~~~~~~~
dunno what am i saying ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
just wanna FA XIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
argh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ouch ~~ my hand is really PAIN NOW ~~
the stupid nurse ~~~
dunno how to give injection also ~~
like wanna murder me ~~
TODAY ~~~~~~~~~~~
no dinner for me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
my dad forgot to buy for me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
but he remember my sister 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
damn it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
argh ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am soooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ~~~~~~~
ARGH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by ♀♪♠Ëê ҬęńĠ♣♫♂ at 8:05:00 PM 0 comments